Proposals to connect into Scotland's largest offshore wind farm
Seagreen, a joint venture partnership between TotalEnergies and SSE Renewables, is Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm. Power is exported from the site via c.19km of underground cables from landfall at Carnoustie through to a new substation at Tealing near Dundee.
Situated 27km off the Angus coastline in the North Sea and 66km off the East Lothian coastline, Seagreen has 114 turbines with a total generating capacity of 1,075MW. The existing site can provide enough green energy to power more than 1.6million homes and will also displace over 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from electricity generated by fossil fuels every year. There is a dedicated project website for Seagreen here.
Seagreen was originally consented for up to 150 turbines. The remaining 36 turbines are still to be built. These turbines form part of the Seagreen 1A project which has consent to connect to the National Grid at Cockenzie in East Lothian.
In August 2021, planning permission in principle (PPP) for the Seagreen 1A substation and onshore cable infrastructure at Cockenzie was unanimously approved by East Lothian Council. In August 2023, East Lothian Council approved the design and layout of the Seagreen 1a substation and temporary construction compound.
In December 2021, Scottish Government Ministers consented the Marine Licence application. The Marine Licence covers the offshore elements of the project, including an export cable approximately 110km in length, to connect the project to the grid at Cockenzie.
We have created this website to provide a way for the public to easily access information and find out how to contact us on our proposals.
The blue corridor is the subsea cable route to connect Seagreen 1A to the National Grid at Cockenzie.
Scottish Government Ministers consented the Marine Licence application in December 2021.
Redline boundary of the onshore application site consented in August 2021 – the site is located in the Energy Zone of the Cockenzie site. The proposed onshore electricity transmission infrastructure at Cockenzie will comprise underground electricity cables, a new substation and associated temporary and permanent ancillary works.