Seagreen 1A Consultation Still Open - we want to hear from you!

Thank you to residents and interested groups who took the time to visit the project exhibition and our live Q&A session on 18 January.

Our consultation remains open and is live until 1 February 2021 - we would welcome comments from residents, businesses, community groups and consultees on the onshore and offshore proposals.

We appreciate all feedback, whether positive, neutral or negative.  All of this will help inform the final design of our plans before submission of our applications. We are happy to continue to receive your comments and questions on the proposals.  Please email us at and we can reply by email or set up a phonecall or virtual meeting to discuss the proposals in more detail and take on board your views.

For the offshore elements, we appreciate the need to hear from marine users and fishermen and how our proposals can operate in tandem with their work and requirements. We are committed to communicating effectively to understand any possible concerns and, where possible, plan our work in such a way that we can minimise any potential impact.  We are really keen to hear from individual fishermen and fishing organisations and representatives.

Although the application for the onshore works will be for planning permission in principle at this stage, the planned substation will be smaller in footprint and height than the current ScottishPower substation building at Cockenzie. If planning permission in principle is granted, as part of the consenting process a detailed application would be submitted to provide a further opportunity to provide feedback on the building plans.

We are continuing to follow Scottish Government advice in relation to Covid-19. At this point in the pre-planning stage for a project we would traditionally hold village and town hall exhibitions but due to current Government advice we have moved all our exhibition material online.

We will continue to meet local residents and community groups, either online or in the future in person, on our plans.


Submission of Onshore and Offshore Applications


Seagreen 1A Plans Progress with PAN and PAC Submission