Seagreen 1A Plans Progress

East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee has decided today (17 August) to support the Seagreen 1A onshore proposals at Cockenzie.

The Seagreen 1A onshore proposals had been recommended for approval by East Lothian Council planning officers and had received no local representations against the plans.

With planning permission in principle, the next step will be a full consultation on the design of the building, through a detailed planning application, which will be expected later in 2021. The Seagreen 1A team is committed to working with the local communities with input into the design and appearance of the building. The team will also hold Meet the Developer events in East Lothian to outline to local businesses the opportunities connected to the project.

Michael Walker, Lead Consents Manager for Seagreen, said: “We welcome the decision by councillors to support the Seagreen 1A onshore proposals. We have worked extremely hard to bring forward this proposal and we would like to thank the local community and consultees for their time and input into the project to date.

“The decision today underlines the Council’s support for renewables and the green recovery. Seagreen will be Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm and the proposals will help Scotland reach a net-zero carbon future.”

The Seagreen 1A team also aims to build on its community partnerships in the local area and, in July 2021, Seagreen 1A was a sponsor of the 3 Harbours Arts Festival and is keen to build further links with local community groups.


Marine Licence milestone for Seagreen 1A


Seagreen 1A sponsors the 3 Harbours Art Festival in East Lothian