Section 42 Application Approval

East Lothian Council’s Planning Committee has decided today (6 June 2023) to unanimously approve variations to conditions that will support the progress of the Seagreen 1A onshore proposals at Cockenzie.

Seagreen 1a Limited submitted a Section 42 application (reference: 22/01364/PM) to East Lothian Council in late 2022 to vary planning condition 2 of their onshore planning permission in principle (PPP) application, which was originally consented by East Lothian Council in August 2021.

With approval of the application, a trenchless or a trenched solution to landfall cable installation may be taken forward, minimising any potential delays to the landfall cable installation. The final decision on the installation technique to be used will be informed by further ground investigation works and be subject to an application for the approval of ‘Matters Specified in Conditions’. This application is likely to be submitted to the Council later in 2023.

The approval includes a range of environmental safeguards, identified through the Environmental Impact Assessment process, with further details to be provided to the Council for approval before the development starts.

Simon Hindson, Lead Onshore Consents Manager for Seagreen, said: “We welcome the decision by East Lothian Council support the variation to the conditions attached to the planning permission and their continued support for the Seagreen 1A onshore proposals.  The Seagreen proposals will help Scotland reach a net-zero carbon future.”


Substation Support at Planning Committee


Substation Photomontages and Fly-through Video